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Titre: المعرفة-الثقافة-التربية وفاعليتها في تحقيق النهضة الحضارية من منظرور السننية الشاملة
Auteur(s): قيراد, دليلت
Mots-clés: منظور السننية الشاملة
النهضة الحضارية
الطيب برغوث
سؤال النهضة
Date de publication: 12-nov-2024
Editeur: جامعة باتنة 1
Résumé: This scientific paper addresses the triad of "knowledge-culture-education" and its effectiveness in achieving civilizational revival through the perspective of comprehensive Sunnism, considering it an important subject at the core of the civilizational building process. It also discusses its foundational role in the jurisprudence of civilizational revival and the construction of a balanced civilizational identity. Our study focuses on elucidating the dimensions and features of this triad in light of the thesis of the Algerian thinker Tayeb Berghout and the effectiveness of his Sunnism in presenting a model that addresses and activates the requirements of revival from a comprehensive and integrative Sunnah perspective.
Description: الملتقى الوطني: النهضة الحضارية والثقافية السننية
Collection(s) :National

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